Who We Are?

Since 1995, the Kollel has dedicated itself to providing Jewish learning opportunities to every part of Cincinnati’s Jewish community. We offer beginner-level courses in Judaism and Jewish philosophy, as well as more advanced classes.

Classes And Programs

The Kollel offers several daily, weekly, and semiweekly learning opportunities, on many skill levels. 

Kollel On Campus

The Kollel has reached out to college students almost since its inception, on weekends, the Kollel arranges Shabbat hospitality, giving young men and women an opportunity to explore both Judaism and the Jewish community

Partners in Torah

Bringing people together in pairs or small groups, our weekly and monthly events are building bridges for Cincinnati’s Jewish community.

Daven at the Kollel

Daily and holiday davening schedule at the kollel.

Useful Resources


Parsha Sheets

The Kollel publishes a weekly parsha sheet for distribution throughout shuls in the community!


Holiday Readers

The Kollel has published a number of Holiday Readers, Each reader is a collection of essays about a specific season in the Jewish calendar.


The Kollel is located at 2241 Losantiville Avenue
Cincinnati, OH

For more information, you can always: