Daily Minyanim


Day Time
Sunday 8:15am (preceded by learning @ 7:45)
Monday–Friday 7:20am
Shabbos N/A

Shacharis Exceptions

Shacharis may begin approximately 25 min. before sunrise during:

  • Daylight Savings Time: before March 18 and after October 13
  • Standard Time: December 10 – January 31

Please contact our office for the most update information.


Day Time
Sunday Text 513-378-9338
Monday – Thursday 2:35pm
Shabbos Approximately 1.5 hours before sunset

* When scheduled, shortly before Plag HaMincha.


Day Time
Sunday – Wednesday 9:45pm; 10:00pm(Annex)
Thursday 10:00pm
Shabbos N/A